Why Choose Pricing Software Over Excel?


Is Excel holding back your pricing strategy? Uncover the advantages of pricing software, from automation to enhanced data security, in our latest blog post.

Blog - Why Choose Pricing Software Over Excel


Anya Policht


September 2023


7 minutes

Good old Excel. Historically, it’s been the backbone of many business operations, not least of which is pricing. A flexible, familiar tool, its widespread proficiency eliminated the need for specialized training or software, especially for smaller firms or startups.

The ease of setting up Excel, without the complications of specialized IT infrastructure, further solidified its position in the pricing world. Moreover, its cost-effectiveness, often bundled as part of office productivity suites, was a bonus.

So, why invest in specialized software when a tool you already have does an OK job?

As the commerce landscape continues to evolve with a drive towards digitalization and omnichannel business, pricing has become increasingly complex. Modern pricing strategies are often more multifaceted, going beyond the capabilities of Excel.

Here, the inherent advantages of specialized pricing software come into sharp focus. Unlike Excel, pricing software is purpose-built. It's designed from the ground up to address the nuances and complexities of pricing today.

Let’s uncover the capabilities of Excel compared with those of end-to-end pricing software. Through this comparative lens, we'll show why many contemporary businesses are pivoting from their old Excel-based methods to embrace the next generation of pricing tools.



Imagine a world where every pricing adjustment and calculation didn't demand your direct intervention. Pricing professionals grapple daily with Excel, manually keying in data and tediously updating sheets. Such practices don't just waste precious time; they also open the door to mistakes.

Enter the modern realm of specialized pricing software. These advanced platforms actively shoulder the burden, ingesting huge amounts of data and automating many pricing actions. Whether it's simple price calculations, dynamic adjustments grounded in real-time market analytics, or enforcing business rules, this software streamlines everything. The best part is a large reduction in human errors.

With automation taking the front seat, businesses find themselves able to quickly pivot. As market dynamics shift, these automated tools allow for rapid responses, keeping firms not just in the game but ahead of it.


Price optimization and improved granularity

Equally pivotal is price optimization. Excel remains anchored in its static calculations and thus under-optimizes your pricing strategies. Modern pricing software harnesses dynamic insights and tailored algorithms to generate intelligent price recommendations. This is much more efficient than an Excel spreadsheet to quickly deal with price variations. It isn't merely about number crunching; it's about leveraging data-driven insights and competitor pricing intelligence to navigate the complex terrain of today's market.

Indeed, pricing software allows you to tap into dynamic pricing, dive deep into detailed segmentation, and test impact simulation as frequently as needed. Equipped with this improved pricing granularity, businesses can recalibrate their pricing strategies and adapt faster and more effectively. This approach boosts pricing agility, drives market share growth, and fortifies profit margins.

Gone are the days when a simple spreadsheet sufficed. Today, innovative pricing strategies empowered by advanced algorithms set industry leaders apart, driving profitability and enhancing competitive positioning in an ever-evolving marketplace.


Pricing scalability

Business growth demands robust solutions. Excel's limitations quickly surface as you introduce more products and reach diverse customers. Complex pricing decisions become a daunting challenge, not an everyday task.

Central to this challenge is price management. Next-generation pricing platforms rise to the occasion, adapting to your pricing maturity and growing with your needs. They enable you to manage vast product catalogs, set and refresh prices, and automate promotions.

The result? The ability to manage differentiated and scalable price lists for multiple channels, markets, and customer segments without pricing errors, This is something Excel, with its manual file handling, struggles to guarantee.


Data centralization

Today's business landscape demands seamless data-driven decision-making. Excel, albeit useful, often restricts this. With Excel, manual data collection and creating fragmented datasets become a necessity, which in turn calls for spreadsheet merging and constant data matching.

Pricing software like Pricemoov, on the other hand, ingests and consolidates all price-impacting data from multiple sources in one place, ensuring accurate and reliable updates. The platform centralizes data and provides visualization tools for strategic insights into inventory, past prices, competition, and seasonality. The outcome is a shift from cumbersome, low-impact tasks using spreadsheets to timely decisions rooted in current, context-rich data.


Integration with other systems

Siloed data can inhibit decision-making and reduce agility. Unlike the isolated nature of Excel, pricing software isn't just a standalone tool; it's a bridge. It fosters deep integrations with core business systems – CRM for managing customer relationships, ERP for inventory and operations, or eCommerce platforms to track real-time sales metrics.

By connecting these systems, pricing software ensures a unified and seamless data flow. This interoperability enhances operational efficiency and ensures pricing decisions are based on comprehensive, up-to-date insights. Consequently, businesses can execute a pricing process that's both efficient and rooted in real-time intelligence.


Real-time data and insights

Although Excel has faithfully served many businesses over the years, its inherent manual nature can't match the immediacy required in modern business contexts.

Contrastingly, pricing software emerges as a beacon of real-time intelligence. It goes beyond simply fetching data to understanding the market's heartbeat. Such platforms offer a panoramic view of current market conditions by effortlessly syncing with many data sources.

Whether it's the latest competitor pricing move or an emerging consumer trend, pricing software captures these shifts as they happen. The outcome is a strategic advantage, where businesses can adjust pricing on the fly, ensuring relevancy and resonance with their target customers.


Pricing consistency and transparency

In the dynamic and information-rich marketplace, customers are discerning and demand consistency. When using tools like Excel, the segmented approach sometimes leads to inconsistencies in pricing across diverse sales channels. Such inconsistencies could inadvertently erode consumer trust and lead to potential brand credibility challenges.

Pricing software acts as a cohesive platform, ensuring every price, discount, and promotional offer remains consistent across all consumer touchpoints. This omnichannel approach does more than just streamline prices; it fortifies brand credibility and fosters trust. As businesses strive to uphold transparency, it becomes imperative to use systems that clearly highlight their value proposition without ambiguity.


Collaboration and version control

Easy access to accurate, up-to-date pricing data enables evidence-based and analytically driven decisions. Excel lacks innate real-time collaborative features, which may precipitate data discrepancies or version conflicts. Typically, pricing professionals use spreadsheets to export and send static price lists, guidelines, and approved discounts to sales reps by email, typically as a large PDF file.

Pricing software offers superior cross-functional collaboration and data sharing functionalities, as multiple stakeholders can simultaneously engage in the pricing process. Sales reps are equipped with real-time prices, past negotiated prices, and discount validation workflows that reduce the time to quote. This synchronous approach is crucial, especially in the B2B sector, where a harmonized perspective is essential to reduce margin leakage and improve customer retention with better proposals.

What about version control? Integral to pricing software, version control features mitigate the challenges of overlapping edits or lost modifications that occasionally plague Excel-based operations. It preserves a comprehensive audit trail, allowing businesses to trace each amendment, understand its context, and ensure the most up-to-date pricing details are accessible.


Monitoring and analytics

In the age of data-driven decision-making, the ability to monitor and analyze pricing strategies in real-time becomes paramount. Pricing solutions are tailored to cater to this need, offering powerful monitoring and analytics capabilities. These tools can track pricing performance metrics, giving businesses insights into how their strategies fare in the real world.

At a glance, decision-makers can access detailed analytics that can illuminate patterns, show customer responses, and highlight potential areas of improvement or adjustment. This means that businesses can make agile decisions based on real-time data instead of operating on intuition or waiting for end-of-quarter reviews. This agility can differ between capitalizing on a market trend or missing an opportunity.

In addition, the analytics offered by pricing software can track granular data, offering insights that might not be immediately apparent. For example, understanding seasonal fluctuations, recognizing subtle shifts in customer purchasing behavior, or spotting emerging market competitors early on.

While Excel can process and present data, its capabilities in real-time monitoring and analytics are limited compared to specialized pricing software. The latter provides data and interprets it in the context of pricing strategy, ensuring businesses stay ahead of the curve in their pricing decisions.


Data security

Excel, while practical for various tasks, poses risks in terms of data security. Files can be accidentally deleted, corrupted, or even fall into the wrong hands without adequate protective measures.

On the other hand, pricing software is crafted with these concerns in mind, generally offering enhanced data security, encryption, and backup measures, ensuring your vital pricing information remains secure and intact. Pricemoov, for example, is SOC2 certified - the leading industry standard for security compliance - to effectively safeguard the privacy and security of our networks and customer data.


Compliance and auditability

In addition to security, there's the crucial matter of compliance and auditability. Especially in industries where pricing regulations are strict, businesses need to demonstrate they comply and can prove it. With the comprehensive audit trails provided by pricing software, businesses can easily track and showcase every pricing decision.

This both instills trust in stakeholders and ensures the business can confidently demonstrate adherence to internal guidelines and external regulations. In contrast, tracking such intricate details manually in Excel can be arduous and error-prone, potentially leading to oversight and non-compliance.


Support and updates

Excel, while a robust tool in many respects, doesn’t come with specialized support for pricing-specific challenges. Dedicated pricing software provides businesses with access to tools tailored to their needs and offers a robust support system.

Reputable pricing software providers understand the intricacies of pricing and its impact on businesses. Therefore, they offer continuous support to address any challenges or questions. This can be invaluable for companies, especially when navigating new features or facing unanticipated pricing scenarios.

Furthermore, with the ever-evolving landscape of commerce, staying updated is not a luxury but a necessity. Pricing software frequently rolls out updates, incorporating the latest in industry best practices, technological advancements, and user feedback.

This proactive approach ensures that businesses aren’t just reacting to market changes but staying a step ahead. Regular training sessions, webinars, and documentation further empower teams to leverage the software's full potential.

In contrast, while Excel does receive updates, these aren’t tailored for the specific needs of pricing professionals, potentially leaving them without the latest tools or functionalities needed for optimal performance.


Ready to uplevel your pricing?

Excel has long been a staple for basic pricing tasks due to its simplicity and familiarity. However, its limitations become evident as businesses grow and the market evolves. Dedicated pricing software offers tailored solutions for today's complex business needs. It seamlessly addresses challenges like scalability, data centralization, and integration.

With capabilities ranging from powerful analytics and advanced algorithms to enhanced security, pricing software stands out as a comprehensive tool for modern businesses. In the competitive, data-driven landscape, transitioning from Excel to specialized pricing software is not merely an upgrade; it's a strategic move for businesses aiming to optimize their pricing strategies and bolster their profitability.

To learn more about how Pricemoov can enable you to make intelligent pricing decisions, Contact Us or Book a Demo.

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